Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Own Personal Roller Coaster

Life is full of ups and downs and is often compared to a roller coaster. However, it is a rare occasion that a person literally gets to do loop-de-loops without being harnassed into an actual roller coaster. It's even more rare that a person gets to walk away from said loop-de-loops.

A few people have asked what it was like to roll in the car. It was pretty surreal. I saw the headlights at the last split second and had just enough time to think, "Oh, *expletive*!" As I was rolling, I was just very aware of the roll. It was almost like I was thinking, "Crap, that's the street outside my window. Now I'm upside down. At least I'm not staying that way - sideways again. Will this ever end? OK, I'm right side up again. Oh, hey, my rearview mirror just landed in my lap. What should I do with that? Now someone's at my window asking if I'm OK. I guess I should roll down my window to talk to him. Oh, the window won't work. I guess I could just open the door. I don't think I have any broken bones or anything. Holy Cow!"

As for how I'm doing now. Well, my back and neck are still pretty sore and I have a few other slight aches and pains. But I'm still feeling incredibly lucky! Especially that Caleb wasn't in the car. Below are some pictures of the results of my personal roller coaster. Thanks again for all your well-wishes and support!


lindylou said...

Amy, I am so sorry about your accident but am so thankful that you are ok. What an experience that must have been. If you need anything, please let us know.

lindylou said...

*Dave and Lindy Owen on Cottonwood :)*

Di said...

That sounds completely terrifying. Once again, I'm really glad you're OK.