Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Photo Shoot From H-E-Double Hockey Sticks

My friend Kate, who is a fantastic photographer, and I have been trying to get together for MONTHS to get Caleb's 3-year pictures done. We just couldn't coordinate our schedules, and when we did, something would come up, like Caleb having an unsightly rash from head to toe. We finally pinned down a date, and just in time for holiday cards.

The plan was simple. Jeff, Caleb and I would go to Cousin Cammie's 2nd birthday party breakfast in the morning, then come home and have a photo session with Kate around 12:30. Simple, except for the fact that I didn't take into account the fact that Caleb would eat a sugary and carb-filled, late breakfast, messing up the timing of his meals and, more importantly, totally screw up his blood-sugar, rendering him a total crank-bucket!

Here he is in the beginning. He kept pointing at Kate and saying, "You don't take any pictures, of me. OK?!" You can see him crying in the background.

Such a happy family!

We decided to take a break, take a drive and let him sleep a little, then meet up at the beach. He started out in a better mood (after a few sips of juice to regulate his blood-sugar a little).

Caleb doing his silly face.

Although it was absolutely georgeous and the perfect time of day for pictures, it was cold! Note Jeff trying to keep warm.

Here's Caleb looking a little unsure as he stands by himself. Although he's not smiling, this is picture-perfect in so many ways.

Caleb had had just about enough at this point. Here we capture him being put in time out in his walker.

Here daddy's having the "Time Out" talk with him.

More T-Os
We were able to end on a fairly good note. But I'm not sure Kate will ever want to do a photo shoot with us again.
Although it was a rough photo shoot, Kate still managed to get some good shots.

1 comment:

Mommalynne said...

Beautiful Pictures!! What a doll! He's a handsome little guy!