Around the holidays, Caleb always seems to give us a gift in his own, unique way. On the morning of his very first Christmas, Caleb started kicking his right leg, showing us that he had use of his quads. It was the first time one of his muscles that had never seemed to work, just started working, giving us so much hope and a little belief in miracles.
This year Christmas came a little early. Caleb decided to surprise his Physical Therapist, Sarah, and me at his PT session yesterday. He managed to complete a feat of strength, Caleb-style. We've been working on this for months, and yesterday was the first time he did this independently. Luckily I had my camera there so you could all enjoy it, too.
That's so cool, Amy! I remember the quad Christmas moment. That has stuck with me for a long time. This will, as well. What a little stud!
Word Verification is...
Gling (n.): Flashy jewelry worn by the Grinch.
Good Job Caleb!!!! That's awesome!
That is just amazing! Congrats to all of you.
And you know, I would always be willing to try and do a photo shoot with Caleb if you ever need or want them again :-)
Caleb, you are such an amazing and inspiring little boy!!!
-miss kristin
this brought a tear to my eye! what a beautiful christmas gift!
I am so proud of your hard work. I know it's not fun having to go to PT each week, but at least you get to hang out with two pretty girls each week. See you Thursday.
Uncle Dave
“There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though
everything is a miracle.”
—Albert Einstein
Thank you for the amazing and poignant quote, Dave.
And thank you, all, for your joy and appreciation of our very special boy. He reminds us each day of what a miracle this life is and to cherish each moment.
Love you all.
He is amazing! I love the look of pride on his face! Happy Channukah AND Merry Christmas!
Love, Tanya (and the rest of the Temecula Mesirows)
That is SO awesome! What a cutie! Its exciting to see his progress. I've never met him in person, but he's the kind of kid you can't help but love immediately. I'm happy for you guys! Merry Christmas!
Wow! He looks like an ol' pro at doing that! I'm so glad you shared it with the rest of us, thanks!
Love, Lynne VC
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