Well, this isn't really a tag, per se... But I saw this on my sister's blog and it sounds like fun. Here's how it works:
1. As a comment on this post, leave your favorite memory of Caleb.
2. If you haven't seen Caleb in a long time, you could talk about what he was doing the last time you saw him. Sometimes it's neat to compare in order to see just how much progress he's made.
3. If you've never met Caleb, you could talk about your favorite blog post, Calebism, etc.
1. As a comment on this post, leave your favorite memory of Caleb.
2. If you haven't seen Caleb in a long time, you could talk about what he was doing the last time you saw him. Sometimes it's neat to compare in order to see just how much progress he's made.
3. If you've never met Caleb, you could talk about your favorite blog post, Calebism, etc.
4. You could also talk about your favorite personality trait.
To leave a comment, just click on the blue "comments" button below. You can leave a comment as "anonymous", but I would still love to know who's leaving the comments, so just sign your name at the bottom of the comment.
My favorite memory has been playing "Stop and Go" in our new apartment. No, wait... Maybe it's coloring the llamaraffes at your house... or watching you play cars with the boys... or maybe it's just hearing you say, "Hi, Auntie Shana" on my voicemail.
So many things make me happy about you, Caleb. I'm so happy to be your mommy's sister so I can enjoy you!
Since I have yet to meet Caleb in person, and have very recently been leaving comments on your blog, I'll have to with the potty post :) My littlest girl is in potty training as we speak...guess I'm a little preoccupied with it.
Thanks for stopping by, Diana! I know how much potty training can take over your world. That's part of the reason I'm not ready to completely commit, yet.
Caleb looks great! I am so proud of all he has accomplished, and how much joy he has brought to our world! Last time I saw Caleb, I believe he was just standing alone; that was at the Little Grad Picnic last summer, 2007. I was sorry I didn't get to make it to the picnic this year - I had to work. :-( However, I love keeping up with Caleb & Co. on your site. Congratulations, Amy, on your Graduation! So proud of all you have accomplished. You're a terrific family and should be highly commended for all the happiness you share with others. Keep up the great work! I know you wouldn't have it any other way. Love always, Caleb's Primary Nurse from the NICU, "Auntie" Cheryl :-)
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