Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Caleb Playing with Shaker Cars

When Caleb received some shaker cars for his 2nd birthday (already almost a year ago...sniff), I thought that he would never be able to actually use them - they are so big and heavy. Well he proved me wrong. He figured out that on a table, if he flipped them over onto their tops and rocked them back and forth, it would rev them up. He would then flip them back over and they would take off! He showed me to never underestimate him and NEVER say never!

Below is a video of one of his favorite games these days. He can literally play with these cars for hours - Jeff and I take shifts because we get bored. It may not be the most action-packed video, but some things to look for are: Caleb's determination, different strategies used, the "happy dance" (hands flailing), and the squeal of delight at the end, not to mention how well he is sitting independently!