Thursday, July 3, 2008

Singing Lullibies

This has been one of my favorite moments with Caleb lately.


Shanana said...

Oh my gosh! How sweet is that? That is so cute!!! Melts my heart!

I love the yoga routine. If I haven't seen the pretzel in real life, I would've never believed it!

Mommalynne said...

"Oh my gosh!" is exactly what I thought of to say. What a precious moment! You both sing beautifully!

The yoga looks very fun and he does it so well. thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Amy... So... I'm at work and about to cry now... that is the sweetest thing :)

Caleb's Co. said...

I just love these moments with Caleb and am so happy to share them with you all.

Anonymous said...

That is precious! I love Caleb singing along and the occasional laughter on both sides :O) What a moment to be cherished!