Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Caleb Sitting Up!

A few days ago when Caleb woke up I heard him moving around a bunch.  Then I heard him call to me, "Mom!  Can you come here, please?  I have something to show you!"  When I walked in the room and saw him, I stopped dead in my tracks.  My jaw dropped, and tears immediately came to my eyes.  He was sitting up in his bed just looking up at me with the biggest, proudest grin.  Before this moment he had never sat up on his own.  For the rest of the morning he showed each one of us individually how he did it, narrating his every move.

Remember to pause the music on the right to hear Caleb better.  Enjoy!


Shanana said...

That's freaking FANTASTIC!!! Love it!!! Way to go, Caleb!

Alicia said...

UHM....AMAZING!!! Awesome job Caleb!!! Can't wait to see your new tricks next time I visit!

Sarah Barnes said...

Yay! So impressive! He always amazes me :) Very cool!