Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Miracle League

A few weeks ago Caleb joined a Miracle League team here in San Diego.  It is a wonderful organization that lets children with disabilities to play baseball.  Each child is provided with a 1:1 buddy to help them with whatever they need.  Every child that gets up to bat scores, and every game is tied.  Rules don't apply to these baseball games, so you see things like 3 players on 3rd base at the same time, a foul ball that's counted as a "line drive", and a "home run" that was barely even a bunt.  There is an amazing guy who volunteers each and every Saturday to be the announcer for all the games, and he is hilarious, too.  He absolutely makes the games entertaining for everyone.  Enjoy some of our Miracle League moments so far!

 Caleb and his friend, Hunter, ready to play ball.

 Hanging out with Papa Mickey

This is Caleb's Buddy, Gabriella.

Here's his team - the Twins.

 I just love this picture of Caleb :)

Passing time in the dugout.  And how does he amuse himself?  By playing with Gabriella's hair... OF COURSE!

Taking a moment to pose for the camera as he rounds third base.

Wait, wrong way, Caleb!

Here's Caleb as he crosses home plate.  Watch carefully for the bow as he scores.

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