Friday, October 22, 2010

A Warm Return

On Monday when Caleb woke up he immediately complained of a tummy ache, lost coloration in his face and started acting like he needed to throw up. I made the rapid decision to keep him home from school in case this was the flu. It turned out to be a low blood-sugar episode and he was completely fine the rest of the day (it's really not the point of this story).

Wednesdays are my day off, and my chance to be a Kindergarten mom. I volunteer in his classroom, and then after school we started going to the public library with some of his classmates and other moms. One of the moms told me how truly loved Caleb already was by telling me 2 stories:
  1. She told me that her son said to her on Monday, "Mommy, I was trying really hard to concentrate on my work at school, but it was REALLY hard cuz I was so busy praying that Caleb was OK."
  2. Apparently when he arrived to class on Tuesday morning, one of the students exclaimed, "Caleb, you're back!" Then the entire class started chanting his name.
I am continually amazed at how quickly he touches people's hearts so deeply. I am so blessed to be his mom.

1 comment:

Kylie McConnell said...

Aw how sweet!