Monday, June 28, 2010

Auntie Shana's (LAST) Graduation!!!

A little while ago Auntie Shana graduated (for the final time) from her pediatric residency in dental school. That's right... she was crazy enough to get a POST-doctorite. Unfortunately, UCLA is holding her diploma hostage until she completes another month or so of work in the clinic. We're still very happy for her for completing a full decade of schooling to complete her dream of becoming a pediatric dentist!

Caleb said he was surfing :)
Auntie Shana and her Posse


And the Caleb photography begins...

Who the heck is this guy? Caleb must've liked his hair.


Mommalynne said...

I loved this Amy! Thanks for letting me in on it from afar! Best wishes to you and your sweet family from New Zealand!
Caleb is a very good photographer!!

Shanana said...

I hadn't seen these yet! Cool! My favorite is the long-haired dude at the end. I think he was from the catering company, refilling the water jugs.