Saturday, July 4, 2009

Last Day of School

We just got a new camera because our other one broke. But I realized there were still a bunch of pictures on the old one that I never posted about, so ya'll get to read a bunch of posts that are pretty out-dated (but still fun).

A few weeks ago was Caleb's last day of school. All the kids sang a couple of songs for the moms and dads, then we all ate snacks together.

All the kids getting ready to sing.
Holding hands with some friends.

This moment brought tears to my eyes:

Here is Caleb helping another little boy with the hand motions to "Wheels on the Bus." He kept hollering, "Miss Kristin, I'm helping!" This is such a great example of why this program is so important for Caleb - he gets the opportunity to be surrounded by such diverse needs and gets to be the one to do the helping rather than always being the one who needs help.

Thank you for a fantastic year, Miss Kristin! We are really looking forward to another great year with you (Caleb's already asking when he gets to go back to school).

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