Thursday, May 21, 2009

In a Nutshell

Caleb's annual IEP (Individualized Education Plan) is tomorrow, which got me thinking about the past year. You see, I was asked to list all his major illnesses over the last year. Here it goes... Caleb had 5 colds, 3 of which needed antibiotics to kick, 2 of which turned into pneumonia, 1 of which needed a trip to the ER, as well as another recent ER visit for possible concussion. Throw in a death in the family and a major car accident for me and it was one DOOZY of a year!


There were many wonderful things that happened this year, too. Caleb's Crew was bigger and better than ever, raising a whopping $17,000 for the MDA and continuing to raise awareness about UCMD. Caleb continues to amaze us all with his zest for life and his ability to defy the odds. He has met new milestones, some big, others huge. He has been involved in a wonderful program at his school, surrounded by so much love and support that continues to spread to basically every person that comes into contact with him. Every day he continues to remind us how lucky we are to be his parents and to remember to appreciate even the simplest of moments. He is such a beautiful soul that the good times completely outweigh the tough times.

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