Friday, April 24, 2009

Another Trip to the ER

Caleb is fine, but yesterday afternoon while Caleb was playing in his walker, he fell and hit his head (right around 4:00). Maria was home with him at the time, and I was on my way home, just minutes away. From her description, his head hit the wood floor so hard that it bounced, but he never lost consciousness. It did sound like he was a little confused for almost a minute immediately after the fall. When I arrived shortly after, he was awake, crying and definitely upset. He was somewhat lethargic, but I was able to get him more alert and back to his normal mood and cognitive state by playing the Wii (this thing has come in REALLY handy in many ways). Everything was looking fine, but at about 6:30 he started vomiting. He threw up 6-7 times between 6:30 and 8:00. At that point, it was definitely looking like a concussion, so we decided to pack him up and take him to the Emergency Room.

They got us in really quickly and he was being examined by the Dr. about 30 minutes after we first arrived. When the Doc was initially examining him, he wouldn't wake up, even when she was shining the light in his eyes and sticking the tongue depressor in his mouth. He finally woke up, and was, of course, ticked. When she was examining his abdomen and stuff he was yelling and screaming at all of us. He finally calmed down enough to tell her that his head hurt and his tummy, too. After some off-the-wall suspicions from the resident, the attending physician finally came in and we decided to go ahead with a head CT scan. Long story short, everything was negative and we left the ER around 12:30.

Caleb was such a trooper throughout the duration, besides being ticked initially. He was soon back to his normal, happy self. Around 10:00 he was saying he was hungry, so we got him some crackers. Some of them were broken so we figured out what kinds of things they looked like - for instance one was like a car and another like a horse's head with tiny ears. He then picked up one little piece and said, "Look mommy, it's like a little tiny slide!" Then he ran his finger down the front of the cracker and said in a teeny voice, "Wee." During the CT scan he got a little nervous and didn't want to go into the machine, but when the bed started moving slowly out, he started calming down. On the way out of the hospital (keep in mind it's about 12:30 am now), as I was paying the co-pay, he said, "Mommy, what are we doing?" I told him we were leaving, to which he responded, "I don't want to leave. I love it here." The lady behind the counter looked at him and said, "Well, that's a new one!"

It was a long night, but well worth it to know for sure that everthing was OK. Caleb's doing great now, and is totally back to normal...Probably wondering why everyone keeps asking him about his head.

Now I need to start working on the tons of other FUN posts that I'm behind on.

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