Thursday, February 12, 2009

When, Oh, WHEN will this season be over?!

So Caleb has yet another cold, as do I. However, Caleb's the priority since he is the fragile one. So mine just gets to linger and persist due to lack of sleep while I'm up with Caleb, both of us hacking. Caleb's in good spirits, as always, but just has a runny nose and the cough for the umpteenth time this season.

We kept him home from school, which meant I stayed home from work today. But we had all these Valentine's to give to his classmates, so we stopped by for a brief visit. All his friends were out on the playground when we got there. We were leaving when they were coming back inside, and one of the little boys had the biggest green goobers running out of his nose. All I could think was, "I am SOOOOO glad I kept him home today!"

Hopefully he'll lick this one au-natural. I'll keep you posted if anything more comes up.

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