Sunday, January 25, 2009

Caleb Painting

A few nights ago Caleb and I had an evening to ourselves. We decided that painting would be a fun activity. We started out painting pictures of happy faces, animals, shapes, etc. When Caleb got some paint on his hands, that was it... The pictures speak for themselves.

After running out of green paint, he found the red paint. He thought it was so cool that you could mix the colors together to make a totally different color! He kept telling me that green and red make brown!
When daddy saw the pictures, he was not all that disappointed that he missed cleaning up the mess.


Di said...

Rocco- LOL!

Love the paintings, although clean-up looks like it was formidable.

Caleb's Co. said...

I have absolutely NOOOOO idea where he came up with the name Rocco. But he is consistently calling the babby Rocco! Too funny.