Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Newest Member of our Household

No, we did not get a real kangaroo. But meet Caleb's imaginary friend, Little Kangaroo. This has been a friend of his for a few months, now, and is apparently sticking around for a while. Here's what we know about him so far:
  • Little Kangaroo is a boy.
  • His name is simply Little Kangaroo; perhaps Little is his first name and Kangaroo is his last name.
  • He is small enough to fit in the palm of Caleb's hand (which means REALLY tiny). However, he can apparently grow in size, as sometimes Caleb holds his paw to hop around the house.
  • He lives in our house and sleeps in a tiny bed in Caleb's room, which is also invisible to us.
  • Little Kangaroo is brown. However, he has been sick off and on lately and has to go to the doctor often because his fur turns gray.
  • Little Kangaroo drives a car that is green with black spots.
  • He works at a golf course. My guess is that he hops around picking up the golf balls and puts them in his pouch, or maybe he's a caddie. Not really sure what he could do since he's so incredibly small (not that there's anything wrong with small animals or people :) Maybe he grows in size when he's on the job... I think I'm over-analyzing this. He is, afterall, an imaginary friend.


Shanana said...

Little Kangaroo has become quite the elaborately constructed fantasy! How cute! I wonder if he wears those awful golf pants while he's on the job.

Caleb's Co. said...

I'm now picturing Little Kangaroo in some plaid golf pants and a little golf cap with a puff ball on top.

BTW, Caleb told me this morning that Little Kangaroo left in his green car to go get a haircut. Not sure if he has to get the hair all over his body cut, or if it's just the hair on top of his head. I'll let you know if he has a recommendation for a good barber that is willing to work on tiny kangaroos.

lindylou said...

Sooooo cute! I love all the details, it's incredible really!