We just got word today that our insurance company approved Caleb's wheelchair. It has been 6 months (or more) of jumping through hoops, working through red tape, and one snafu after another - and this isn't even for a power chair! We're happy that they're doing the right thing and have finally approved this request. We are also grateful for the loaner chair that we have had from the MDA. Don't know what we would've done without it for Caleb starting school.
One more hurdle jumped over. Whew!
Whoo Hoo!
Yay! Now maybe you can get rid of the gunky borrowed one (which WAS a life saver, but gross!) At least the next borrowers will benefit from the cleaning it got while in your possession.
P.S. Thank you for the Caleb call yesterday!!!
Yes, it will be a nice, CLEAN, brand new one that has not been used, thrown up on, or had any hair cuts conducted in them!!! Yahoo!
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