Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Caleb Sitting Up!

A few days ago when Caleb woke up I heard him moving around a bunch.  Then I heard him call to me, "Mom!  Can you come here, please?  I have something to show you!"  When I walked in the room and saw him, I stopped dead in my tracks.  My jaw dropped, and tears immediately came to my eyes.  He was sitting up in his bed just looking up at me with the biggest, proudest grin.  Before this moment he had never sat up on his own.  For the rest of the morning he showed each one of us individually how he did it, narrating his every move.

Remember to pause the music on the right to hear Caleb better.  Enjoy!

1st TOOTH!

On Monday Caleb lost his first tooth!!!  We were on our way to the Dr. (Caleb had the flu) and he was munching on an apple.  The tooth that had been pretty wiggly for a while was suddenly just dangling there, so he pulled it out.  Then he, of course, had to show everyone in the Dr.'s office.  It was pretty cute to see how proud of himself he was.

Saying, "Thank You."

This year, in honor of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, we decided to say, "Thank you," to our local Firefighters by visiting some of the stations and bringing them cookies.  They were all so happy to see Caleb whizzing around in his wheelchair and loved the cookies.  Caleb took his challenge coin and challenged almost every firefighter.  There were definitely a few that didn't have their coin, so Caleb will be owed quite a few drinks when he turns 21!

50's Day at School

I got a text from Caleb's wonderful aide the night before at 9:00 saying, "Don't forget tomorrow's 50's day."  Well, of course I had forgotten!  Kylie and I quickly brainstormed what he should wear and we came up with this outfit!  Turned out pretty sweet, if you ask me :)

Love the tough-guy look!

This one cracks me up every time I see it!  I love the cheesy grin as he's looking off into the distance.

2011 MDA Telethon

We got the privilege of participating in another MDA Telethon.  It was different this year because it was only 6 hours long on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, and Jerry Lewis has retired.  We always have so much fun helping to raise so much money - this year $61 million was raised!!!

The 2 Calebs - they have become such good buddies and are already talking about spending the week at camp together next summer.

Caleb with Angel and Alex - two of his favorite MDA ladies.  And, yes, he still LOVES hair!

Getting ready to go on camera :)

Lightsaber battle with Ashley.  No event is safe from lightsaber battles.

Making a muscle with one of his favorite Firefighters, Angel.

Lightsabers on camera.

Making a muscle with some of the most amazing moms I know.
Me, Starla, Melva, and Kim.

Ring, ring, ring, ca-ching, ca-ching, ca-ching.

Being presented with a Firefighter challenge coin from one of the Fire Chiefs that has been touched by Caleb.

After our on-air interview.

Getting ready for some more on-air time.